How to apply Tan Registration with Process
How to apply Tan Registration with Process If you’re seeking to acquire a Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number (TAN) in India, you’ve come to the right resource. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll lead you through the process of applying for a TAN. How to apply Tan Registration with Process Whether you opt for the convenience of an online application or prefer the traditional paper method, we’re here to assist you every step of the way.
How to apply for TAN:
You can apply for TAN either online or by depositing a paper application.

Online TAN application, using Digital Signature Certificate:
- Visit and select ‘Apply online’ in the TAN module.
- Choose the DSC based online TAN application option.
- Select the appropriate category for the application.
- Fill out the online application form.
- Insert the Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) of the authorised signatory and affix the digital signature on the form.
- Only online payment option is available for DSC based application.
- Generate an acknowledgement receipt containing a 14-digit acknowledgement number.
- No need to send any documents to NSDL e-Gov for DSC based TAN application.
- TAN application online facility: (without using Digital Signature Certificate):
Paper-based online TAN application:
- Visit and select ‘Apply online in TAN module’.
- Choose the appropriate category of the applicant.
- Fill out the online application form.
- Make payment (DD, Cheque, or Online payment) and generate an acknowledgement receipt bearing a 14-digit acknowledgement number.
- Demand draft/Cheque should be made in favour of ‘NSDL – TIN’. Demand drafts shall be payable in Mumbai.
- Print out the acknowledgment receipt and sign in the space provided for signature.
- If a left-hand thumb impression is used, it should be attested by a Magistrate, Notary Public, or Gazetted Officer, under official seal and stamp.
- Send the duly signed acknowledgement receipt to NSDL e-Gov Pune office at 4th Floor Mantel Sterling, Plot No. 341, Survey 997/8, Model Colony, Near Deep Bungalow Chowk, Pune-411016.
- TAN PAPER application through TIN•FCs:
- Download the TAN application form (Form 49B) from the TIN website or obtain it from any TIN-FCs.
- Fill out the form in BLOCK LETTERS, preferably using BLACK INK, and in ENGLISH only.
- Ensure that the address provided is an Indian Address only.
- Submit the duly filled and signed Form 49B (application for new TAN) to any nearest TIN-FC.
- No supporting documents are required along with the application form.
- Pay the processing fees of ₹65 (including GST) in cash at the counter.
- The applicant’s address must be within India.
- No supporting documents are required to be submitted while applying for New TAN (Form No. 49B).
- When filling the form, each box should contain only one character (alphabet/number/punctuation mark), leaving a blank box after each word.
- If the address of the applicant changes to a different city under a different RCC (Regional Computer Centre) of the Income Tax Department, a new TAN application in Form No. 49B is necessary.
- Designation of the person responsible for ‘making payment/collection tax field is mandatory to fill up, wherever applicable.
- For paper application, sign only in the space provided for signature (preferably in black ink) without touching the side of the box.
- Refer to guidelines & instructions attached to the form or visit the TIN website for detailed instructions before applying.
- If applied online without a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC), please send documents directly to NSDL at 5th Floor Mantel Sterling, Plot No. 341, Survey No. 997/8, Model Colony, Near Deep Bungalow Chowk, Pune-411016.
Process flow for integration of MCA with PAN & TAN services of CBDT for Corporates:
- Business user/Applicant logs into the MCA portal for registration of the Company & obtaining PAN & TAN through the MCA portal.
- The business user fills the INC 32 form (SPICe form) & submits the digitally signed form to MCA.
- The applicant submits necessary documents to MCA for scrutiny.
- If the application form & documents scrutinised are found to be OK, the business user is prompted to make payment through online/offline mode of payment.
- After making the payment, Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is generated by MCA & the application data in XML along with Form 49A & Form 49B in PDF, digitally signed, is forwarded by MCA to Protean (formerly known as NSDL) through API Setu with a unique combination of service request number (SRN) & correlation ID. How to apply Tan Registration with Process
- Once the data is received at the Protean end, Protean validates the data. If the data received is OK, an acknowledgement number/receipt is generated & sent to MCA through API Setu as a response for both PAN & TAN.
- At Protean, the application data received for PAN & TAN is sent by Protean to ITD (Income Tax Department) i.e. ITBA (Income Tax Business Application) for the allotment of PAN & TAN.
- The ITBA system allots PAN & TAN, and the response is received by Protean
- Protean sends the status of PAN & TAN allotted by ITBA to MCA through API Setu using a combination of SRN & correlation ID. How to apply Tan Registration with Process
- MCA then generates a digitally signed Certificate of Incorporation (COI) by incorporating the PAN & TAN received. Subsequently, MCA forwards the PDF of the COI to Protean through API Setup for record-keeping purposes.
- This entire process, including the receipt of PAN & TAN application at Protean from MCA through API Setu and intimating the PAN & TAN allotted by ITBA to MCA through Protean & API Setup, must be completed within 4 hours.
In conclusion, obtaining a Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number (TAN) in India is essential for individuals and entities engaged in tax deduction and collection. With the option to choose between online and paper-based methods, the process is relatively simple. By following the instructions provided, you can ensure a smooth TAN application process, ensuring compliance with tax regulations in India. How to apply Tan Registration with Process Whether you prefer the convenience of the digital route or the traditional paper approach, you now have the knowledge and confidence to proceed effectively.
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